Walmart Media Group launches Performance Dashboards for Display and Sponsored Products campaigns

Advertisers can measure how their campaigns are performing in Walmart stores and on Walmart’s digital properties.

Performance Dashboards
Performance Dashboards

Walmart Media Group last month launched Performance Dashboards for all Walmart Display and Sponsored Products campaigns. According to Walmart, Performance Dashboards provide advertisers with on-demand visibility into how their campaigns are performing in Walmart stores and on Walmart’s digital properties.

Walmart is the largest omnichannel retailer in the U.S. Walmart says 90% of America shopping at or on Walmart each year.

Advertisers can access these dashboards through the new Walmart Ad Center platform, launched in the beginning of the year.

“This exciting new tool provides…data at our fingertips, and we are eager to see how the platform continues to evolve,” said James Kristof, Director of Ecommerce Sales at Nestlé Purina North America, a beta tester of the Performance Dashboards.

There are two Performance Dashboards: one for Display and one for Sponsored Products. While hosted on the same platform, each dashboard has different metrics that are applicable to the campaign.